On Monday, I had a pleasant chat with longtime Town Board member and Deputy Supervisor Chris Lewis, who is the board liasion to the Senior Citizens Affairs Council.
Chris was involved in the establishment of the Senior Activity Center on the lower level of the Town Medical Center. “The Red Cross left the space for their own building and the seniors took over,” she said.
She urges all seniors to take advantage of the activities provided by the Silver Circle Social Club and the Dinner Bell. The Silver Circle meets on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center.
The Dinner Bell meets on Mondays and Fridays at 12:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church’s Fellowship Hall. Transportation is available for those who need it.
If you want to volunteer as a driver, let coordinator Karin Bennett know. She can be reached at 749-0291.
Another town facility that is well used by seniors is Project FIT at the school. “It’s a great place for seniors to exercise and socialize,” Chris said. “I’d see people I’d never seen before.”
She explained that there is a very dynamic and diverse group of seniors on the Island and the diversity is enhanced by having younger people mingle with older ones. “I like this and it creates a real sense of community,” the former Shelter Island School’s Board of Education president added.
Chris noted that there is money available from the town’s recreation budget for senior activities and trips.
“All seniors have to do is make a commitment,” she said.
She praised the strong volunteerism among seniors, including many who volunteer for the Shelter Island Educational Foundation, which provides opportunities for students.
On another subject, I was thoroughly entertained by the Shelter Island School’s production of “Annie Warbucks” last Sunday afternoon. I attended the play with my 11-year-old granddaughter, Myla Dougherty. She loved it.
I ran into people whom I have not seen in some time. All but one had kind words to say about this column. And they gave me some good ideas for future issues.
Negative comments were mostly in degree, not kind. And as I have said, please let me know what you’d like.
While waiting to get into the auditorium before the play, I ran into Dorothy Bloom, who told me she had written a few plays. They were performed on the Island and had primarily senior citizen cast members.
I suggested that she do that again.
Dorothy declined.
The post Adults only: Activities around the Island appeared first on Shelter Island Reporter.